Separate sessions available for all levels of experience
Saturday 4th and 5th January
Venue: Queens Head , Elizabeth St. North Hobart
11.00am to 12.30pm
Suitable for COMPLETE BEGINNERS and also dancers with some experience.
Tango Introduction Session
Basics of Rhythm, Embrace and Connection
Starting slowly with simple easy connected movement and connection, then over the course of the weekend delving into the excitement and audacity of iconic traditional Buenos Aires tango movement and style…
Not to be missed!!
1.00pm – 2.30pm
Experienced Tango Dancers Immersion Weekend
The Voices of Cadencia –
Musicality in Milonguero Voleos, Sacadas, Giros and Ochos .
Self-Expression and Musicality in Tango.
With working examples and advanced figures showing communication in embrace, rhythm and connection
3.00pm – 4.30pm
Mixed Level Practica
(Informal Social dancing and Guided Practice)
All Levels welcome to meet and practice together what has been learnt in the classes.
Two teachers on the floor throughout provide guidance and to answer your questions on technique, dynamics, problem solving
CALL/TEXT MIA on 0447 288 838
Balance of Partners
We work toward even numbers of lead and follow to participate in the workshop.
We believe this creates the best learning environment and gives everyone the benefit of the best possible opportunity for enjoyment and achievement over the weekend.
Partners are rotated throughout the course of each session unless a couple requests specifically to stay together .
A partner balanced event. Please book in advance for yourself and your workshop registration balance partner. If you require assistance finding a partner Register Your Name with us and we will partner you once a balance becomes available
Workshop Fee:
Registering as Couple
both days weekend $130
one day as a couple $70
Registering as Solo Dancer
both days weekend solo $75
one day only solo $45