REVIEWS of Summer Tango Hobart

Reviews from Tango Dancers who came to Summer Tango Hobart

My feedback is all good and glowing. I thoroughly enjoyed your festival. And yes I did feel connected to the dancers in many ways…for example

  • the gender balance took away that element of missing out, often felt by the women followers when the balance is skewed to women. I was able to relax and only danced with leads in a considered way. 
  • Bus trip brought people together and there was an opportunity to chat with someone you did not know. 
  • The country trip evoked a sense of party fun within our group
  • Hobart’s unique heritage reflected in your venue choices. The showcase of beautiful venues meant you cared that we had a good time
  • The friendliness of your team was very generous and welcoming
  • Time for us to explore beautiful Tasmania, so we felt we were on holidays not a tango marathon

I will definitely be back for more of your hospitality next year.

Warmly Anne


My feelings on Summer Tango Hobart

I was so fortunate to once again attend the absolutely and utmost of fun, Summer Tango Hobart, this year in January. I went last year,  it already had me hooked. I did not want to have too many expectations, but of course I returned because it was the best Tango fun I had had in Australia. Any expectations that I was trying not to have were well and truly surpassed.

It was four nights of non- stop dancing. Tangueros from all across Australia were “warmly invited to spend a weekend of pure social dancing. Beautiful wooden floors and venues with Australia’s top Tango DJs’.”

I stayed at the customs house hotel right on the dock with views of sailing ships and people enjoying the long weekend. It was an easy walk to two of the venues. 

On the first night we met in the lovely generously sized Hall. Seating was arranged like little lounge rooms all around the dance floor. It was very sociable and great for catching up with friends and meeting  new friends. There was plenty of room to sit and chat and to dance, and to watch.  We were all so warmly greeted by David and Mia and the team who put together the event. They made us all feel so special. 

Now the second night was in another smaller sized hall, so the dance floor was packed.It is an absolutely amazingly decorated place. I don’t know how many dancers there actually were, but all the halls were full and every body was dancing.  That was rather a warm night.  Non stop dancing and as I said every body was on the floor.  Every body was dancing .

On the third night, Saturday we all got on two buses and we were transported to Franklin, where we all had early dinners in one of 3 or 4 restaurants that opened early specially so we could be fed by the time the Milonga started at 6pm.  That was such a lovely sociable occasion. We danced at the Palais theatre where the floor was the best in my opinion.  All good floors, but this one was super. 

And true to form, just like last year, every night got better. Somehow it just got better and better. And the last night this year might have been even better than the last night last year, it  was absolutely amazingly fun. We all danced and talked and danced and danced. And the music was amazing, It really was. The energy just constantly intensified , got happier , faster more melodic. The dancing was fun, exotic, basic and all in-between , but mostly fun!  Good energy . There was a melody of Milongas and the final one built the final  crescendo. There was one Tanda of Milongas toward the end, each track more intense, more fun, more complicated. It was amazing. It made us all dance like fire. When it finished every body clapped. The whole dance floor burst into cheers and loud clapping. It was so emotional, so amazing to be there, with all our old and new friends just loving to dance Tango together, and enjoying a Tanda so much that every one stopped and applauded the DJ.  But it was not only for the DJ. Everyone was so grateful for the whole weekend. It just showed how full of gratitude we all felt, for the DJ,s and David and Mia and the team. Every thing they did to pull it together.  They are great team with a great wish, 

This is an Australian sensation, this Summer Tango Hobart.

If you get the opportunity to buy tickets, buy them immediately. 

Written as an article for Perth Tango Club Newsletter

by Kirstie Peddersen


Hi Dearest David and Mia,

First of all thank you so much for all the efforts you guys and the team have done greatly to make this happen at its best.

Personally, it was my best experience that I felt free to be myself and express my being through my dancing! 

Summer tango Hobart has become my first and the only festival in Australia that I have committed to attend every year, if I am still around and able to dance!