Tag Archives: Hobart Tango Argentino

Hobart tango argentino

Sidewalktango In Hobart, Tasmania 2021


An Open Level Workshop that is structured to provide effective Tango instruction for experienced dancers who have completed and are competent with “Beginners/Basics” syllabus, and are ready to join a class at “Intermediate” Level One onwards.

Followed by Guided Practica giving participants an opportunity to ask questions, practice or just simply dance..

Sidewalktango looks forward to sharing good tango and fun social nights with tradition, creativity and respect.

A dynamic rhythmic fusion of close and open embrace tango, salon and milonguero styles. Deep basics, and strong technique, with a vision and passion leading always towards simply a heightened tango experience. 
Music, Embrace, Rhythm, Expression…

We are conducting our 2021 PRACTICA “X” at St Xaviers Hall South Hobart EVERY 2nd , 3rd and 4th FRIDAY OF THE MONTH

7.00pm – 9.30pm.

Please contact Mia for bookings on 0447288838.

Confirmation via online payment as previous, details below:

Bank: Westpac
Name: Milonga Weekend
BSB: 033120
Acc#: 311998
$25.00 per person.

Covid-19 WorkSafe compliant event. Bookings Essential:We are maintaining an evenly balanced number of lead and follow participants in the classes. Please book with a class “balance partner” in order to keep an even balance of leads and follows in the classes .During the classes the teachers will rotate the couples. 
Couples attending the class who wish to stay together and not change partners may simply stay together if they do not want to change .

Stay well, stay happy and we hope you look forward as we do to an exciting challenging and fun series of tango events at Sidewalktango in Hobart.